Rabu, 22 Juni 2011

5 Ways to Acquire Best life fitness of your body

There are many ways to easily obtain fitness life, I give you a few things that I often experienced.

If something is wrong or you feel a little depressed, the best thing to do is relax and concentrate on your breathing. There is evidence that relaxation methods to help get rid of negative thoughts, support and purify the body's emotional control.
Do what you think

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If you think one thing and end up doing something completely different, you feel unhappy with yourself. Try to avoid contradictory behavior, especially if you do not want to strike a deep sense of existential failure.
Learn to see the positive side of things

You learn that life is not all that good moments, some worse than others and some are undesirable. The key is to accept facts that do not have excessive expectations without frustration or anger. An uncontrolled emotional reactions or negative to face a tough time in life is a clear sign of weakness and failure. In contrast, serenity, self control and positive view of this is the best weapon to successfully deal with what you live.

Avoid comparisons

To cultivate a positive attitude is better than being yourself. Both comparisons as the idealization of how you should be yourself and how things should be, very detrimental to your sanity and self-esteem. Frustrated and envious of other people watching what you want to be very negative thoughts must learn to control to avoid feeling depressed. It is best to accept yourself as you are and try to change the things that bother you about yourself, but comparisons aside, because every person is unique.

Living in the present

If you think what you have to continuously or in the future can make you lose your life at this time. In addition to the type of fuel the mind worries and concerns and let you enjoy the small moments that. Nothing better to focus all your senses in the here and now, without forgetting the dreams and projects.
Forget the details

Obsession for perfection can lead only to disillusionment. Well, not everything is as perfect as always intended to be, life is full of small details that make it attractive and unique. If you want to arrange everything according to your values ​​you'll spend all your time trying to accommodate those details to make them look perfect, but it takes a sense of enjoying things as they appear. Finding the balance and set aside excess perfection, you'll feel better

Move your body

Occur as soon as possible to the action and allow the body to move freely. The practice of sports, do some physical activity, recreates your thoughts through dance or walk in the park. This way you raise your adrenaline level and optimism increased serotonin and discard negative thoughts.

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Watch your pictures

Looking good is one way to feel good. Personal care you will feel more refreshed and will help to break the closed circle of pessimism. Try changing the screen regularly and do not hesitate to correct you every time you leave your home. Also avoid the closure, this will force you to change your appearance.
Consider other people

Center of the universe to believe you are only feeding the obsession that for yourself. Gradually, he began to focus on others and helping others to remember that can help you feel better and more positive. Problems of others can make you realize that not everything that happens to you so bad.

Sleeping peacefully

Get used to improve the quality of sleep. Sleep also is the best way to improve your mood throughout the day. Remember that rest is bad directly affects your mood, make you feel tired and irritable, and especially does not help you change your attitude.
Ever have one of those days when you feel as if it does not look good! Well I have some experience like that, and believe me, there's something I want to happen again soon. We've all called our "bad" days.
It is very difficult to be positive when everything collapses around you. It takes a lot of effort, but if you try, I guarantee you'll see things from different perspectives.

This allows you to open your horizons and see things from new perspectives. Generally we tend to focus on the negative because it is the easiest way to solve the problem or challenge, but it will never help to solve anything. Here are some tips I've put in place to keep a positive attitude, even when I felt depressed:

1. It never stops on error - Forgive yourself and learn from mistakes. Stay caught up in your mistakes only generate stress and make you unproductive.
2. Always Look at the bright side of every situation - Is the glass half empty half full or half? It is a matter of perspective, comes down to your attitude and how you see life.
3. Today is not the end of the world - Tomorrow is another day. There will be a new hope and new challenges to conquer.
4. Surround yourself with people who encourage you - I practice a lot. I used to be surrounded by pessimistic people, full of lots of negative energy that I was hurting. Therefore it is best to surround yourself with positive people, people can be a source of guidance, inspiration and hope, remember that we all have moments of weakness and need the support of those around us.

5. Turning challenges into opportunities - I'm not saying you ignore the challenge or problem. What I am saying is that, as in tip 2, there is always an opportunity to learn from this problem if, say most of the time to learn because it must be so painful?

But personally I think it's a pain the penalty. This experience may one day help others who have been in the same situation as you are.
So first yes ^ _ ^ I hope this post helped you, especially for those of you who are seeking information regarding life fitness.

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